Before undertaking any type of remodeling project, please ensure that you have read the following:
- CC&Rs on the documents page.
- Rules and Regulations pertaining to ‘ARCHITECTURAL AND ALTERATIONS’
- Contractor Working Guidelines (below)
- Remodel Requirements (below)
- Architectural Request Form available on the Documents page.
Most remodels / renovations require that an Architectural Request be submitted to the On-site Manager or Horizon Management and, in many cases, first be reviewed and accepted by the Architectural Committee and The Board of Directors before you begin your project. Please don’t assume that your project is too small to require approval.
Entrance doors, hallways, stairwells and elevators all must be protected before moving any kind of materials (and/or furniture) into your unit. Elevator pads and hallway carpet protection are required.
Construction hours are between 8AM and 5PM Monday – Friday only.
For questions and elevator pads contact the On-site Manager.
The On-Site Manager’s office can be reached at 310-379-0198 and is located in the 630 Building on the P2 (lower) parking level. This building is located just north of the Guest parking area.
Contractor Working Guidelines
The following is a list of contractor work guidelines that you should provide your contractor before he bids the job so be is aware of these requirements:
- No propping open any common area doors or gates
- Damage to entry gates or common area doors will be billed back to the homeowner
- No work is allowed on the weekends
- 24hr notice must be provided to affected residents before any utilities can be shut-off.
- On-site manager must be notified of any utility shut-off to ensure proper procedures are followed. Contact info above.
- All common areas must be cleaned of construction debris at the end of each work day to avoid association staff overtime and clean up costs being billed back to the unit owner.
- Pre-approval by the On-site Manager is necessary before any common areas can be used as staging or work areas.
- Homeowners must make arrangements to provide contractors with gate openers and common area keys.
- The front entry gate is under video surveillance. Do not follow other vehicle though the gate as the wooden gate arm is easily broken. The current fine for breaking the gate arm is $250 per occurrence plus any damage costs.
Remodel Requirements
The Board of Directors wants to encourage homeowners to remodel and upgrade their units. We have prepared this document to assist you in this endeavor and help you avoid common mistakes and pitfalls made by others. We have also streamlined the approval process for several common upgrades as discussed later in this document.
All projects should start with a call to the On-site Manager at (310) 379-0198
Our Manager can help answer your questions, review your plans and ideas and indicate if what you are proposing is:
- Basic Replacement Activity or a Minor Upgrade
- Standard Upgrades with Pre-approved Specifications
- Special Modification Requiring Formal Review and Approval.
Only items in the third category require separate Architectural Committee and Board approval. We are here to help and want to make your project go as smoothly as possible.
Basic Replacement Activities and Minor Upgrades
The following are examples of basic replacements or minor upgrades that do not require Architectural Committee and Board approval:
- Removal of ceiling “popcorn”
- Removal and replacement of bathroom or kitchen cabinets
- Upgrades to counter tops or plumbing fixtures
- Upgrades to lighting fixtures in existing locations
- Upgrades to light switches and outlet boxes in existing locations
- Replacement of carpet or vinyl flooring with like kind materials.
- Flooring modifications are of special concern and are discussed in a separate section below.
- There are restrictions of the type of flooring that can be installed on 2nd and 3rd floor areas.
Standard Upgrades with Pre-Approved Specifications
The following popular remodel projects have been pre-approved by the Architectural Committee and The Board of Directors. You still need to advise the On-site Property Manager of your intentions to proceed with one of these projects. A formal approval letter will be provided for your records with a copy placed in you unit file at the management company. This is an administrative level approval and can be processed quickly.
There are specific requirements that must be followed as part of these pre-approved projects. As long as you stay within these requirements you will not need additional approval. You may propose additional modifications, however, this will trigger a formal approval by the Architectural Committee and The Board.
The following projects have pre-approvals:
- Replace sliding glass doors and frames
- Replace windows and window frames
- Refrigeration water feed line plumbing
If you are interested in one of these projects, contact the On-site manager to obtain a copy of the pre-approved project specifications. These specifications may be updated from time to time and it is best to obtain the most current information from the On-Site Manager.
Special Modifications Requiring Formal Approvals
All modifications, not on the pre-approved list above, will require approval by the Architectural Committee and The Board. Some example modifications are as follows:
- The cutting or modification of any interior or exterior wall
- Removal of the fiberglass combination tub/shower assembly
- Installation of recessed lighting fixtures
- Modification of electrical wiring or adding additional circuits.
- Modification of plumbing or adding additional piping or drains.
- Modification to the balcony railing or balcony enclosures
The Architectural Committee can review more common modifications with complete project information within a few weeks. More complex modification or projects with incomplete plans will take longer.
There is also pre- and post-project inspection required to insure all project specifications were followed.
Some modification may also require a City building permit. For more information contact the City Building and Safety Department at (310) 318-0636.
Waste Disposal
- No dumping of furniture, appliances, cabinets, drywall, carpet or other construction debris at any location on the property. $50 fine per occurrence.
- The contractor performing the work should be responsible for the removal of these items. It is your responsibility to arrange for the disposal of these items.
- Construction and demolition debris including but not limited to: dirt, concrete, wood, asphalt, trees and tree stumps, tile, drywall, metals, rock and rubble are NOT covered under our trash hauling service.
- For items not covered by our standard collection service, residents can use private haulers such as Got Junk at 1-800-GOT-JUNK. Got Junk will provide a free estimate.
Damage to Common Area
The common areas are protected under Rules and Regulations. The Association can fine homeowners for damaging the common areas under this section.
Some additional guidelines are included in this document to assist homeowners in protecting the common areas. Accidents can and do occur, however, the Board will take into consideration the following procedures were followed in order to protect the common area during a remodel.
- Heavy weight paper is provided free of charge by the association to protect the hallway carpeting. All you have to do is ask the On-Site Manager. When performing construction activities in your unit, we require that this heavy protective paper be placed in the hallway in front of your unit
- The elevators also require protection from appliances and bulky construction materials. There are two levels of protection for the elevators, hanging wall pads and hardboard floor protection. The On-site Manager can arrange the installation of both, again free of charge. If the elevator pads are not returned after use, you and/or your contractor will be assessed the $500 replacement cost. Be sure your contractor understands this and limits the amount of time the pads are unattended.